Appt With Nature

An Appointment With Nature (Sculpture: AEP)

This environmental art project was executed in Yusof Ishak Secondary during March - April 2001. A class of Sec 3 Express pupils was brought to the Bukit Batok Nature Reserve to do some observational drawings and take digital images of the site. The pupils were told to pay attention to their environment by doing:

Focus your
attention on your
own situation, from
second to second,, relax
your mind, let your attention
move freely without trying to notice
anything in particular. Discover what comes to
your attention of its own accord; be
aware of the stream of fleet¬-
ing sensations of touch,
smell, sight, hearing,
etc. that impinge
upon you.

Taken from Open University’s Art & Everyday Life

The students had to develop ideas on how to interpret art in relation to the environment. The pupils were also instructed to refer to environmental artists such as Andy Goldsworthy and Martin Puryear for further reference.

The outcome was surprising and exciting as the students worked hard to produce interesting pieces of work reflecting their creative decisions. I would like to thank Mrs. Doris Lim, Mrs. Song and pupils of YISS Sec 3 E 2001 for this memorable experience.


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